I have some very exciting news... I'm a foodie pen pal! November was my first month being apart of this wonderful event, and I loved it. I am absolutely doing it again! 

I was sent a food-filled package from the lovely Liz! She unfortunately doesn't have a blog, but she's still an avid food blog reader.
I came home from {my first official day of} work to a huge box on my bed. I already knew what it was, and I was SO excited to finally receive it! I've literally been looking forward to it the entire month of November!
Using children's scissors shaped as an elephant, I hurriedly cut open the box... along with the side of my finger... (I told you I was excited!) and found these:
This lovely note (horribly photographed -- my apologies!) followed by...
(Don't let pictures deceive you -- that popcorn tin? Yeah, it's HUGE! I have no idea how Liz knew I loved popcorn, but she somehow knew!)
Inside the cute little star container was homemade pecan shortbread cookies drizzled with chocolate. Oh, yes, I did say "was". My family (mostly my mom!) ate the entire box on me... Thank goodness I got to try at least one prior!
The cookies were actually shaped as moons and stars! Most of the stars broke, but that didn't make them any less delicious.
I am so incredibly thankful for these gifts, especially because one was homemade! What beats homemade cookies? Nothing!!
Thank you SO much, Liz, for your amazingly thoughtful package! I loved every bit of it, and so did/does my family! The popcorn is freakin' incredible... You are fueling my caramel popcorn addiction and I don't even mind! 

Check out what I sent out over on Kristin's blog! Hope you enjoyed it, girly!!
I highly, highly recommend any food lovers to take part in Lindsey's monthly Foodie Pen Pal event. It's awesome. So awesome.

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