Guess what... time of the month... it is? 

...I know where your mind went... But, wrong!
It's time to post about my FOODIE PEN PAL of the month! This time, she's from Alabama! 

I actually received this package right before school earlier this month...
(Truthfully, it probably came the night before, but we were all too lazy forgot to check... Woops!)
So I was quite excited to break open this beauty after school!
In the box was a bunch of little goodies! Thank you SO much, T.A.!
Turkish Delight candy, a gluten-free sesame bar, 2 organic fruit leather strips, split pea soup mix, cinnamon raisin granola peanut butter (YUM!), and HOMEMADE body lotion!
Yes, I DID say HOMEMADE lotion! How awesomely unexpected, right?!
It smells amazing, and not only do I love it, but so does my mom!
I posted a picture of her business card (and adorable slogan) just in case anyone wants to check it out!
Because, you know, homemade is always better than store-bought. All the time. Every time. 

Anyways! All of these goodies were incredibly lovely and thoughtful, and I'm so glad T.A. was my pen pal this month! Thank you SO much, again, especially for the homemade lotion! You are awesome... and so is your taste! 

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