Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Peter Pan Diet

Hello darlings!

Inspired by Lindsay, this post is dedicated to foods I would eat if I were living in Neverland.
By that I mean foods my inner fat child would eat solely because it loves to eat... Foods not based on nutrition value, but on pleasure! Basically just what I would eat if calories, nutrition, my health and my body weren't an issue! My foodie guilty pleasures. 

I really like the concept of this post; it's making me think back to my childhood favorites, and it's also giving me ideas for my next challenge/treat day/meal! 

1. Oreos dipped in peanut butter... Any kind of peanut butter...
This was always my #1 favorite snack for the longest time. Honestly... I miss it!

2. Blueberry Muffin Tops cereal with vanilla almond milk

3. Applebee's mozzarella sticks

4. Reese's eggs

Somehow, even better and way more addictive than regular Reese's cups!

5. Take 5

6. Chili's sweet potato fries

7. Starbucks cream cheese-filled pumpkin muffins

8. White chocolate macadamia nut cookies... Preferably Pepperidge Farm

9. Dunkin' Donuts cream filled powdered donuts

10. Cannolis

11. Strawberry frosted Pop Tarts

... or maybe S'mores, warmed up in the microwave

12. Homemade Italian sausage meat pie

I could honestly go on forever... but I won't for your guys' sake (and mine, at this point)!  Truthfully, I love healthy living! I love healthy foods, I do! But, I also love these foods in moderation. I no longer believe that a healthy lifestyle equals deprivation, or restriction of ANY food. Because that's not equivalent to a healthy lifestyle. That's equivalent to the beginning of an eating disorder.

Honorable mentions:
  • waffles with real butter and maple syrup... and maybe some peanut butter...
  • BAGELS! Channeling my inner Jenn and saying ALL. THE. BAGELS! Preferably an everything with bacon, egg and cheese. And ketchup.
  • froyo with loads and loads of toppings!
  • Twix chocolate bars
  • cinnamon rolls with frosting
  • Dunkaroos
  • McDonald's french fries
In conclusion, I just really love food! Healthy and nutritional or unhealthy with an equivalent of zero nutrition -- if I like it, I like it. If I could live off of oreos, peanut butter, steamed vegetables and fruit my entire life... You bet your booty I would! But, life is about treating yourself, and treating your body well at the same time. No food should EVER be off limits. There's no reason for it to be, unless you're allergic or it makes you extremely sick. Otherwise, there's no excuse to not enjoy a big ol' fresh-out-of-the-oven soft, chewy chocolate chip cookie every now and then!

Now, enjoy one of your absolute favorite foods for me this weekend, yes? Yes.  I will CONQUER a "fear food" or two this weekend, in honor of this post.

What would YOUR 'dream' Neverland diet consist of? What's that ONE food you will NEVER, EVER give up?

**All photos are from Google images and/or Tumblr! I do not take credit for any of the pictures above.**

From Alabama to New Jersey!

Guess what... time of the month... it is? 

...I know where your mind went... But, wrong!

It's time to post about my FOODIE PEN PAL of the month! This time, she's from Alabama! 

The Lean Green Bean

I actually received this package right before school earlier this month...
(Truthfully, it probably came the night before, but we were all too lazy forgot to check... Woops!)

So I was quite excited to break open this beauty after school!
In the box was a bunch of little goodies! Thank you SO much, T.A.!

Turkish Delight candy, a gluten-free sesame bar, 2 organic fruit leather strips, split pea soup mix, cinnamon raisin granola peanut butter (YUM!), and HOMEMADE body lotion!
Yes, I DID say HOMEMADE lotion! How awesomely unexpected, right?!

It smells amazing, and not only do I love it, but so does my mom!

I posted a picture of her business card (and adorable slogan) just in case anyone wants to check it out!
Because, you know, homemade is always better than store-bought. All the time. Every time. 

Anyways! All of these goodies were incredibly lovely and thoughtful, and I'm so glad T.A. was my pen pal this month! Thank you SO much, again, especially for the homemade lotion! You are awesome... and so is your taste! 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

What I Ate Wednesday #37

Hello, hello darlings!
In this week's What I Ate Wednesday, I'm sharing my weekend's-worth of eats!
The rest of my eats can be found here and on my Instagram!

Thanks to the beautiful Jenn for always hosting this little web foodie part-aaaay! 

2/22/13 - Breakfast: super fluffaaaay chocolate protein egg white & flaxseed oats with defrosted frozen berries + PB2 Greek yogurt + banana slices + peanut butters + a wittle bit of marshmallow Fluff!
Such a delicious combination!
2/22/13 - Lunch: as Cassey Ho would say, Friday was a “YOLO” meal day… And I have no regrets! We raised more than $300 for the American Heart Association at Rite Aid, so we got LOADS of FREE SUBS! I was soooo hungry and I treated myself to white bread and mayo-filled sammiez and I don’t even care. I can’t even tell you the last time I had mayonnaise(!) or white bread(!). I had my two favorites — pepperoni & CHEESE(!), and turkey & cheese. Sooooooo yummy and WORTH IT!
2/22/13 - Dinner: went to Friendly's with my family for my little sister’s 12th birthday!
"YOLO" meal #2 for the day! Haha. Breaded honey barbecue chicken sandwich on white bread(!) with American cheese(!) and regular ol’ french fries(!), plus lots of ‘loaded’ waffle fries(!)! I didn’t feel overly full, or sick, which is a good thing, but if I could pick another entree to treat myself to, I would! But, the night overall was nice. There’s only so many opportunities to enjoy with my family as a whole. Food and all, no regrets should follow! (The food with (!) means it’s a “fear food”.) ❤ Treat yourselves.
2/22/13 - Dessert/Snack: chocolate peanut butter protein & flaxseed mug cake stuffed with pieces of chocolate brownie flavored Quest bar & topped with peanut butters + plain Greek yogurt + more peanut butter, melted + snowflake sprinkles ❄ + a mint green vanilla mini marshmallow bunny, on top of a diced small apple mixed with healthy/organic cereals, with half-frozen strawberry Greek yogurt topped with chia fruit clusters & whole flaxseed on da side!
2/23/13 - Breakfast: chocolate-pumpkin protein & flaxseed pancakes stuffed with sweet maple Greek yogurt + crunchy gluten-free brown rice cereal & topped with melted peanut butters + my new favorite thing >> clean caramelized banana slices + a sprinkle of shredded coconut + small drizzle of maple syrup! Around 300 more/less (if y’all are concerned) & over 40g of protein. These smelled and tasted AMAZING! Though, pumpkin pancakes are my least favorite to make and flip...
2/23/13 - Lunch: giant 'powerbowl' for lunch after food shopping & such with mommy and sissy! Also had some almonds and grapes beforehand because I was feeling faint.
This bowl consisted of steamed fresh vegetables + 3/4 of a sweet potato + sliced tomato + banana pepper + marinated mushrooms + roasted red peppers, all topped with 1 egg plus egg whites, scrambled & garlic/oil sautéed turkey slices with a wittle bit of blue cheese crumbles! Super spicy mustard added post-picture.
2/23/13 - Dinner: made my family our own clean burrito bowls (Chipotle-inspired since we have none around here)! Mine was finely chopped lettuce + homemade teriyaki grilled chicken, shredded + corn + a bit of sweet potato + banana peppers + tomatoes + roasted red peppers + marinated mushrooms + jalapeños + brown rice & the most delicious Chinese-inspired cauliflower rice + a ~toasted pita broken up into chips & a few multi-grain tortilla chips! With cottage cheese + Greek yogurt & salsa on top!
2/23/13 - Dessert/Snack: fluffy banana bread (in honor of National Banana Bread Day!) protein & flaxseed mug cake topped with peanut butter + Greek yogurt + milk chocolate casein/whey protein cream sauce + more PB, melted + sliced almonds + a mini pastel pink vanilla marshmallow bunny on top of a diced apple mixed with healthy/organic cereals, with blueberry Greek yogurt topped with chia fruit clusters on the side! I actually did Insanity Cardio Abs + some cleans & squats not too long before this... Though Saturdays are usually a rest day, I wanted to do something after looking and feeling incredibly bloated all night. It felt so good to get a mini workout in! ANYTHING is better than NOTHING! That’s for sure! 
2/24/13 - Breakfast: made some sweet potato protein pancakes (and added flaxseed) post-workout!
They came out small since I just a small-ish potato, though, so I had them with cinnamon-vanilla egg whites & some chocolate protein Greek yogurt topped with melted creamy peanut butter + banana slices + slivered almonds! So fluffaaaaayyyy! (Yes, I do use that phrase too much.)
2/24/13 - Snack: experimented with the cinnamon swirl protein bread/cake again, and this time made cookies and cream protein cake & cinnamon-almond swirl protein cake (and, of course, my peanut butter fudge black bean brownies! My family’s as obsessed as I am!), and they were both complete SUCCESSES! Hehe. Well... The second time around! ...I forgot the milk the first time...
2/24/13 - Dessert/Snack: I am obsessed with my new cookies and cream protein powder, omg.
Cookies and cream protein-packed & flaxseed mug cake stuffed with chocolate protein cream & topped with PB2 “fudge” + melted White Chocolate Wonderful + a drizzle of maple syrup + whole flaxseed + a mint green vanilla mini marshmallow bunny on top of a diced apple with some healthy/organic cereals, with a side of homemade banana frozen {Greek} yogurt topped with 1/2 a PB fudge black bean brownie + chia fruit clusters!

Goal check-in: (last weeks goals)
  • I actually did eat less salads! YAY for being more creative!
  • Multiple new sweet recipes... Need to come up with some savory ones! Ahhh! Think, Alissa! THINK!
  • Posted at least one recipe... WOOT!
  • Blogged A LOT more!
  • Body shaming was a bit less, as well... Not as lessened as I would've liked it to be, but that's okay. It's gonna take time!
Well, I'd say I did pretty good as far as succeeding with my goals this week! 

Goals for this week:
  • Continue to be more creative with my meals
  • Try to get back into planking! I was the ultimate planker last year until I stopped timing myself and got lazy with them! My ab definition has lessened because of it, I believe.
  • Treat myself WITHOUT regretting it, at least once... Maybe to FROYO?!
  • Keep up the rapid blogging! I love it and I hope you guys do, as well!!
  • Keep trying at the no-body shaming thing.
That's all for my WIAW this week, folks! I hope you're all having a fabulous Wednesday and week thus far! Stay positive, and most importantly, stay YOU!!

P.S. I've been doing Zuzka Light's ZCUT Power Cardio, and holy bananas is it HARD! The workouts are only about 10-15 minutes long or so, yet they feel like they're harder than some Insanity workouts. They feel so good to complete, though! I definitely, definitely recommend trying it out! SO worth the $15!